Help for parents bringing up their children 

in the Christian faith 

Children are learning every day, and every day parents are in effect teachers of their children. So in family life there is a teacher / student  relationship. 

When children are brought for Baptism, parents accept responsibility as the primary teachers of the Christian faith to their children. This page aims to help parents with information and resources to assist in the task.

The Bible for Children

While it is essential for parents to read and explore the Bible there are also great resources for introducing the Bible to children. The Bible app for Kids is suitable for both pre readers and those developing their reading skills. 

Another excellent resource that helps readers and pre readers is the Jesus Story Book. It is available in book form from Koorong bookstore or by download on line through Sallylloyd-jones .com

When to introduce 

children to Prayer?

First of all Prayer is simply talking to God and listening to God. So from a very young age we can introduce children to talking to God. At meal time simply hold hands with your child and in a few words say thank you to God for the food we have, those who have grown and prepared it and for God’s love. 

At bed time talk with you child about their day and then in a few words say thank you to God or ask for help with some need such as when some one is sick.

The Lord’s Prayer can be taught when a child is just 2 years old. Each evening at bed time have them repeat each line after you. After a a couple of weeks they will begin completing each line after the first word of the line. The key is persistence and making it a part of daily routine.

How to start? 

Parents are teachers and role models for children and if we are teachers to our children we need to be equipped. The text book for the Christian faith is the Bible and thanks to technology we can not only read the Bible online but also listen to it. There are a number of Bible apps and we recommend the You Version Bible app and on the web This site also has numerous Bible reading plans on various topics.

An alternate is the Bible In One Year (BIOY) app  that you can listen to while to travel. Each day has readings with a helpful commentary by Nicky Gumble.

At Audible you can purchase an audio Bible. We recommend the excellent work of David Suchet.

Relating to God 

in daily life

The Christian faith is first and foremost about humanity recognising there is a God who loves his creation.  Love is about relationship, and trust is the foundation of all relationships. 

In the person of Jesus Christ we find God reaching out to humanity to fix our broken relationship with God. Jesus does this by trusting God like no other human in all history even to the point of death.

Christianity is much more than behaviour, it is a trusting relationship of loving God with all that we are and also loving others.

We show our loving trust in God by the way we live and this is what parents commit to show their children.

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